What If….

11 May

I imagine you have worked on plans to celebrate your mom or yourself tomorrow. Mother’s Day can seem like a “holy day of obligation.”  Either we must treat our mom and/or mother-in-law to brunch or we must enjoy a day our family plans for us. Of course, there’s nothing we’d rather do more than celebrate motherhood, being mothers or having mothers. But, it can seem forced and fake. I’m torn. On the one hand, it’s nice to have an excuse to make special plans, buy or receive special gifts and celebrate. I like almost any excuse to celebrate. But, on the other hand, what if the celebration causes stress or, worse, exhaustion!

Growing up, we used to joke that every day should be Mother’s Day. Maybe there is some truth to that—why wait until the second Sunday in May to celebrate one of the most important people in your life?

I hope the day is filled with fun for you and the women you celebrate. It should be a  wonderful day, but perhaps there are other days of the year that you (would) actually appreciate time with your mom more than this one day.

On this Mother’s Day weekendI would love your response:

If you are fortunate enough to have your mom in your life, but you were told you could spend only one day of the year with her. Your choice, which day would you choose?


What if  your mom who passed away could be in your life just one day of the year, which day would you choose?

Is there a specific day of the year that you need your mom more than any other day? Or a day you did or do enjoy her company more than any other day?

Which day strikes you as a day you really need (or wish you had) your mom? And, of course, why?

Rather than write my answer, I truly want to hear from YOU.  I look forward to you sharing your thoughts.

Thank you for reading my blog and contributing.

7 Responses to “What If….”

  1. lori May 11, 2013 at 11:12 pm #

    I love all celebratory days… gives us a moment to pause and think about others in our life and all they contribute. I’m not sure that I could choose one day that I would select as the one that I’d want to be with my mom.. I truly just love any time my family gathers, just an ordinary day surrounded by family and friends.

  2. Christina May 13, 2013 at 9:01 am #

    Thanks for your wonderful blogging and asking this thought-provoking question! My mother loved Easter. Our family is Greek Orthodox, and Easter is a pretty intense experience. If I could spend one day with her every year, it would certainly be Good Friday. The evening church services on Good Friday are very special and to stand with her holding our candles and singing the beautiful hymns (although like her, I’m not a great singer!) would be incredible. And this year is our oldest son’s first year serving in altar, so to see her grandson in the front of church would have certainly had her beaming (as it does me). As the years pass and I grow in motherhood, I feel my mom’s presence and blessing more and more. I hope that you had a nice day yesterday and thank you again for keeping this very helpful blog.

    • Shari Danzig Stein May 13, 2013 at 10:46 am #

      Thanks for your beautiful thoughts.

      • Stacey May 13, 2013 at 9:59 pm #

        I would love to spend my birthday with my mother, it is the day I seem to miss her most since she passed away. Of course I miss her every minute anyway, but my birthday wouldn’t have happened without her and that is a very bittersweet day for me.

  3. naomimgruer May 14, 2013 at 12:49 am #

    Whatever day we spend together, my mom and I have the best talks right after her cup of coffee in the morning, before the kids and hubbies are awake, and before the day really gets started.

  4. Deborah the Closet Monster May 27, 2013 at 5:07 pm #

    I know I’m replying to this much belated, but your second question demands an answer. If I could choose just one day my mom could continue to be in my physical life, I’d choose the day before Halloween . . . our shared birthday. That’s when she’s strongest in my mind and heart, though she is present in each every day of the year.

  5. Stacie June 8, 2013 at 5:29 pm #

    I am fortunate to still have my Mom but she lives across the country. I’d take any day with her! Mother’s Day always feels Hallmarky to me.

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